Give Christmas Gifts That Benefit Third World Country Artisans

Have you ever considered that we live in a country where we have so-called problems that people in a third-world country would beg for? For example, do you ever come home from the grocery store and ask yourself a question like, â€‹Where in the world am I going to put all of this food? Don't be hard on yourself, feeling guilty for all that you have. Instead, wouldn't it be wonderful to know that, as you shop for Christmas gifts, you are actually helping artisans in third-world countries, artisans who create beautiful hand-made items? Read More 

Choosing The Best Western Boots: Three Tips For Success

Western boots can be fun to wear not only to line dances and country parties, but also as a part of your everyday attire. However, there's a seemingly endless selection of western boot styles these days, and narrowing it down to the options that are best for you is not always easy. Here are three tips to help you out! Start by choosing toe shape. If you start by deciding what toe shape you want in a boot, you will instantly narrow your options considerably. Read More 

Four Tips To Upgrade Your Wardrobe When You’ll Be Spending More Time Outdoors

Maybe you just got a job that requires you to spend more time outside, or perhaps you've adopted a hobby that involves outdoor activities. In either case, you're going to need to update your wardrobe to match your changing lifestyle. From sunshine to chilly wind, exposure to the elements can be tough on your body if you don't have the right clothing. Here are four tips for updating your wardrobe for a more outdoorsy lifestyle. Read More 

How To Use Senior Class Shirts In A Variety Of Ways

Can you believe that you are going to be a senior this year? If you are already planning your wardrobe, you have probably planned to buy a senior class shirt. After all, that shows school spirit and it lets everybody know which school you attend, so why wouldn't you guy a senior class shirt? In fact, you might want to buy more than one so that you'll have an extra while the other one is in the laundry. Read More 

Finding A Leotard That Fits

Many young girls enjoy participating in dance classes. These classes can teach balance, coordination, and important social skills, but they require participants to wear specialized leotards. Leotards are made from stretchy fabric that will not impede movement while dancing. Finding a leotard that fits correctly can be challenging, but there are some simple things parents can look for to ensure their child will be covered and comfortable during future dance classes. Read More